Stingless Bee Attractant is used to make an empty hive more attractive to the bees.
The attractant can be used in the following circumstances:
- making a bait box more attractive when a hive is being attacked, during a take over swarm. Remove the mother hive, which is being attacked and leave a bait box in it's place for the attacking colony to move into;
- preparing an empty hive for eduction. By coating the inside of the empty hive with the attractant, parts of the empty hive will be partially sealed which means less work for the bees and the empty hive will already smell like a hive, speeding up the eduction process;
- increase the chances of a colony of bees chasing to move into a bait box (empty hive), as the bait box will smell like a hive and be partially sealed.
How to use Stingless Bee Attractant
Squirt the attractant around the inside of your hive. It will have a strong smell of alcohol, which will evaporate shortly. Please use gloves and ensure that the attractant isn't split as it can mark and stain.
Leave the empty hive uncovered for several hours, until the alcohol smell has gone. Then set the empty hive up how you would like it.
Putting some propolis around the entrance and inside the hive will also help. Please look up my other items to purchase propolis.